Senior Executives

José Antonio Chedraui Eguía

Chief Executive Officer

José Antonio Chedraui Eguía has worked at Chedraui for the past 23 years and has been a member of the Board and CEO since January 1995. Prior to this position, he served as CEO of our Galas division. Mr. José Antonio Chedraui Eguía has a Degree in Accounting and Finance from Universidad Anáhuac.


César Alejandro Anaya Jiménez

Procurement Director

César Alejandro Anaya Jiménez holds a Degree in Business Administration from Universidad La Salle. Mr. Anaya has been Director of Purchasing since March 2007 and has worked at Chedraui for 21 years.


Pedro Benítez Obeso

Director of Real Estate Operations and Administration

Pedro Benítez Obeso holds a Degree in Business Administration from Universidad Iberoamericana. Mr. Benitez has served as Director of Real Estate Operations and Administration since August 2006 and has worked at Chedraui for 28 years.


José Ramón Chedraui Eguía

Private Label Director

José Ramón Chedraui Eguía holds a Degree in Business Administration from Newport University. Mr. Chedraui has been Director of Private Label since January 2007 and has worked at Chedraui for 17 years.


Alfredo Chedraui López

Director of Real Estate

Alfredo Chedraui López holds a Degree in Business Administration from Universidad Anáhuac and a Diploma in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles. Mr. Chedraui has served as Director of Real Estate since 2005 and has worked at Chedraui for 11 years.


Rafael Contreras Grosskelwing

Chief Financial Officer

Rafael Contreras Grosskelwing graduated as an Industrial  Engineer from Universidad Panamericana, has a Diploma in Accounting and Finance from ITAM, a specialization in senior management from IPADE, and a Diploma in Financial Securities from ITAM. Mr. Contreras has served as CFO since September 2000 and has worked at Chedraui for the past 12 years.


Eduardo Fuentes Durán

Commercial Director

Eduardo Fuentes Durán holds a Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from ITESM. Mr. Fuentes has been the Commercial Director since September 2012, and has worked at Chedraui for 12 years.


Héctor Norberto González López

Director of Internal Audit

Héctor Norberto González López holds a Degree in Public Accounting and a Masters in Planning and Information systems from Universidad Iberoamericana, and specialization in Senior Management from IPADE. Mr. Gonzalez has served as Director of Internal Audit since May 2003 and has worked at Chedraui for the past 8 years.


Eduardo Guiot de la Garza

Director of Human Resources

Eduardo Guiot de la Garza holds a Degree in Industrial Relations from Universidad Iberoamericana, completed his graduate studies in Labor Law and Marketing at ITAM, and has an MBA from the School of Business Administration and Management (“ESADE”). Mr. Guiot has been the Director of Human Resources since August 1993 and has worked at Chedraui for the past 18 years.


Alejandro Rafael Lara Hakim

Director of Construction

Alejandro Rafael Lara Hakim graduated as an Architect from Universidad Veracruzana. Mr. Lara has been Director of Construction since August 1986 and has worked at Chedraui for 25 years.


Alberto Nava Gutiérrez

Director of Operations

Alberto Nava Gutiérrez graduated as a public accountant from the Universidad Veracruzana. Mr. Nava has worked at Chedraui since 1989 and is Director of Operations since September 2012.


Ricardo Salmón Valdés

Director of Expansion

Ricardo Salmón Valdés graduated as an Architect from Universidad Anáhuac and completed the Certification Module C1 101 at the Instituto CCIM. Mr. Salmón has been Director of Expansion since January 2007 and has worked at Chedraui for five years.


Arturo Eduardo Antonio Vasconcelos y de Pablo

Director of Logistics

Arturo Eduardo Antonio Vasconcelos y de Pablo holds a Degree in Administration from Universidad Anáhuac. Mr. Vasconcelos has been Director of Logistics since June 2010.
