Can you play split-screen in F1 22?

F1 22 keeps the spirit of local split-screen multiplayer alive in an era where online gameplay is all the rage. While the latest F1 title allows players to race against each other online utilizing only their screen, it also allows them take each other on from the comfort of their couch.

The split-screen feature in F1 22 is available from the beginning, with no additional tasks required to unlock it. Players can dive right in (with a car at the top and a car at the bottom) and get racing with their friends.

F1 22 gamers can play right next to each other, thanks to split-screen multiplayer

A look at a split-screen race beginning in F1 22 (Image via Codemasters)

Split-screen play is a thing of the past for a lot of gamers. This is because they either don't have anyone else to play with or the gaming that they do focuses on a completely online multiplayer experience.

That doesn't have to be the case with F1 22. Players can select split-screen multiplayer and drive a normal race, with the only difference being two of the racers sitting right next to one another. Those utilizing split-screen will have to focus on their own screens in hopes of overtaking their friend for first place.

How to play split-screen

Head to the Multiplayer section to start a split-screen race (Image via Codemasters)

Split-screen play requires two controllers to be connected to the system. Players should turn both of them on to ensure that they are synced to the console.

Here's how to start a split-screen race after connecting two controllers:

  • Navigate to the Multiplayer section of the game's main menu.
  • Select the Split-screen option.
  • Player 2 will be asked to press the button shown on the screen to confirm they want to partake.
  • Player 1 will then be prompted to select a track to race on.
  • Player 1 will get to choose a car, and player 2 can pick theirs shortly after.
  • Player 1 can mess around with the race options, such as time of day, assist features and more.
  • Player 1 will need to move to the Start Event button. This will allow player 2 to change their assist options and controls if they'd like.
  • Player 2 can then click their Start Event button to initiate the race.

The split-screen functionality in F1 22 has player one in the top half of the screen and player two in the bottom half. There is no way to change it to a side-by-side split-screen setup.

Once all of the options have been selected, players will be dropped into the race on the course that was selected. The countdown will begin, and the cars will be able to get off to a fast start to pick up some early speed and take the lead.

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