Bobby Lashley was legitimately unhappy with WWE and "frustrated with a lot of things," admits top ex

Since returning to WWE, Bobby Lashley has lived up to the expectations of becoming a top star and made up for the mistakes in his first run. The All Mighty left WWE in 2008, and Bruce Prichard recently opened up about the circumstances behind the high-profile exit.

Due to obvious comparisons to Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley was always viewed as a future world champion during the mid-2000s. Despite showing immense promise, Lashley endured an underwhelming stint and eventually departed WWE to explore a career in Mixed Martial Arts.

Many rumors did the rounds back then regarding the reason for Lashley's WWE release, as he featured in a few prominent angles during his tenure.

While speaking on this week's Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard, the WWE executive revealed that Bobby Lashley was unhappy with his position in the promotion and saw leaving as the only option to solve his problems.

Prichard clarified that there were no controversies involved between WWE and Bobby Lashley as the organization strived to amicably part ways with the former ECW Champion. Here's what WWE's Senior Vice President had to say about Lashley's frustrations with WWE:

"Bobby was just unhappy. I think that Bobby was frustrated with where he was at the time, and Bobby was just frustrated with a lot of things. He was not happy. Wanted to leave, and that was a point where if you're unhappy, and you don't want to be here, okay, let's work something out so you can leave. It was as simple as that." [23:00 -24:00]

What happened with Bobby Lashley on the latest SmackDown episode?

Many fans don't seem to like the newly-introduced feud between Bobby Lashley and Bray Wyatt. However, WWE continued to build the storyline by offering a rather bizarre segment on this week's SmackDown.

Hearing the RAW star's music hit on the blue brand got many surprising reactions from the crowd and the commentary team. Lashley proceeded to the ring to cut a promo addressing Bray Wyatt.

While the former WWE Champion could not get his hands on Wyatt, Uncle Howdy showed up to attack Bobby, and fans interestingly picked up a glaring hint about the mysterious figure's identity.

Howdy vanished just as Lashley began to turn things around during the brawl as Bray continued with his mind games against the former Hurt Business member.

Have you enjoyed Wyatt and Lashley's rivalry thus far? Sound off in the comments section below.

If any quotes are used from this article, please credit Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling.

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